Outdoor canvases up to 10x5 meters Outdoor canvases up to 10x5 meters

Outdoor canvases up to 10x5 meters

As seen on television and in the media As seen on television and in the media

As seen on television and in the media

Order with centimeter accuracy Order with centimeter accuracy

Order with centimeter accuracy

Tested outside for over 9 years Tested outside for over 9 years

Tested outside for over 9 years

The inventor of the garden poster! The inventor of the garden poster!

The inventor of the garden poster!

Add atmosphere in your garden with superb garden decoration

Atmosphere in your garden? You get it by a garden decoration that matches your personality on the one hand, and with the style of your garden on the other hand.

Why choose garden decoration?

The answer is really simple: you can lighten up your garden in a snap, as you wish. Get rid of those dull and boring garden walls. Forever forget the gray colours that are surrounding your garden. How exactly? By using garden canvases width joyful prints, colours and images.

As you were looking to the ugly concrete or wooden garden walls before, you will now only see wonderful cloths and posters. They will make you dream away to a whole other world.

order your canvas

The biggest outdoor canvas photo library of the UK.

Trompe-l'œil folder Trompe-l'œil folder
Lavender fields and sunflowers Lavender fields and sunflowers
Buddha and various statues Buddha and various statues
Flowers and plants Flowers and plants
Animals and insects Animals and insects
Wellness Wellness
Forest & Parks Forest & Parks
Doors and windows Doors and windows
Dutch and tropical beaches Dutch and tropical beaches
Mountains-Canyons Mountains-Canyons

Your photo as an outdoor canvas

Upload my own photo

Advantages gardendecoration.co.uk

  • Up to 10 meters x 5 meters
  • As seen on television
  • Canvas has 3 year colour warranty
  • Washable
  • Available to order with centimeter accuracy
  • Tested outside for over 9 years
  • The inventor of the outdoor canvas.
  • Choose from 9 suspension types
  • Weather resistant

High quality plenty of choice

Garden decoration can contain any image you can think of. Are you only looking for a decorative print? Feel free to browse in our photo library that holds plenty of such images. Or what did you think about landscapes filled with fields of lavenders or sunflowers, calm seas with beautiful waves, inspiring buddhas and statues, panoramic views with peaceful waterfalls and ponds. You name it: you will undoubtedly find a poster that matches your personal

Or do you want to keep it more personal? No problem at all. On our site you can upload your own photo so you can enjoy a nice family picture on a large canvas. Or do you prefer an image of your favourite pet animal? Or an amazing image of your trip from last summer? Really everything is possible; immortalise your memories in a fantastic piece of garden decoration!

Guaranteed thé best and most inexpensive garden decoration

Are you looking for a partner for your garden decoration? You’re at the right place for the perfect combination of benefits. Below you will find a few important examples!

  • Possible to order 100% made-to-measure
  • Highest quality
  • Water and weather resistant
  • Easy to maintain
  • The best price

Wat klanten over ons zeggen!

Merci. Super joli . C'était celà que je voulais. Cordialement


I took delivery of my canvas today.

Its fantastic! Love it! It's better than I could have imagined.

I will definitely be using your service again and will recommend you to my friends and family!


Claire Wardle

Hello Mr Schuurman,

We have attempted to fix up the canvas and our improvised approach seems to have worked; time will tell if the British wind and weather will see it remain in place.

Thank you for your offer of a voucher; however, it is unlikely that we would have the opportunity to use it as our garden does not have a location suitable. for another canvas.

We have installed the canvas on the fence in our yard opposite the kitchen window so it provokes cheerful thoughts and memories of holidays past as we do our chores.

As stated in my earlier note, we are very pleased with the artwork; our issue related solely to the mismatch between the expectation regarding personalised fixings set by your website and the article as delivered.


Harry Rich...

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About us

Dtp Studio Schuurman created Gardendecoration.co.uk. in 2004. We were the first company in Europe to manufacture these unique outdoor canvases.

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